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Acupuncture Oxford. Acupuncture Oxford. Acupuncture Oxford.

Acupuncture close up


Acupuncture is the use of very fine needles, to facilitate changes in the body and overall well-being. These needles are inserted into specific points, effecting the flow of energy (also known as Qi) in the body. 


By discussing with a patient signs and symptoms, an Acupuncturist is able to assess the most optimal treatment for a patient. In my case, I focus primarily on palpation, combined sometimes with pulse and tongue diagnosis to assist in assessing the patient.


Within all sessions, there will normally be some Acupuncture. I practice Neoclassical Acupuncture, Five Element and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). To give you an idea how fine these needles are, 38 needles could fit into a hypodermic syringe needle. 


Often patients will feel a slight warmth, cold or tingle following insertion, sometimes these sensations referring to other parts of the body.

Acupuncture Oxford

Back Massage


Massage is part of my integrative approach. Generally, it will involve a variety of techniques, including Sports Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Massage, Swedish Massage, Tui Na, and other techniques. Massage is as crucial as Acupuncture, but depending on the patient, condition, etc, less or more of it may be involved.

Acupuncture Oxford, Ben Davies Acupuncture


Cupping has become increasingly popular in the last several years, particularly amongst sportsman and celebrities. Cupping itself dates back to at least 1500BC, if not earlier, in Egypt, the Middle East, China, and even the UK in the past.

It involves creating a vacuum in a cup which will pull the muscle and fascia away from the body. Think of it as the 'reverse' of massage, as rather than pushing it is pulling. It is not painful, but will often leave some discolouration in the area, disappearing after a few days, and is nothing to be concerned about.

Acupuncture Oxford, Ben Davies Acupuncture


Gua Sha has also recently become quite popular, and involves the use of a stone, coin or even jam jar lid (!) to rub the skin. This is often used in muscular-skeletal complaints. This method can leave some discolouration on the skin, which will clear very quickly.

Acupuncture Oxford, Ben Davies Acupuncture


Moxibustion has also been around for centuries probably as long as cupping according to the latest research. Moxa involves the burning of dried mugwort over certain areas of the body, including Acupuncture points.  


What makes Moxa useful is that it radiates an intense level of heat, penetrating deeply into the muscle and body.

Acupuncture Oxford.

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